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Filtering, grouping & searching through your data
Filtering, grouping & searching through your data
Renee Phelan avatar
Written by Renee Phelan
Updated over a week ago

As your project progresses, you'll begin to collect a huge amount of incredibly valuable data from the field, but how do you make sense of all that data?

In this article, I'll give you an overview of the different ways you can drill into what's happening on your project to understand the status of your QA, answering questions like "Which company has the most outstanding inspections?" or "Which inspections have been open for more than 60 days"

Effectively analyse & interpret the vast amount of data

Within a location page, you'll see a range of tools to help you understand your data, these include filters, an overall progress bar and views.

Filtering & Status

There are many ways you can distill the data in your location pages including:

  • Location - The specific location the Visi is assigned to.

  • Company - The company of the Visi's assignee

  • Assignee - The person (or company) assigned to the Visi

  • Creator - The creator of the Visi

  • Days Open - How many days the Visi has been open for

You can apply multiple filters at once to find exactly what you're looking for, for example here I'm filtering to Visis owned by Visibuild that have been open for 60 days or more.

As you filter your data you'll notice the status bar will update to provide a reflection of the total close % of your Visi list.

Grouping data by Company or Location

The default view for your Visi list is to display data with no grouping however if you wish to see Visis rolled up and grouped by their owning company or assigned location you can do so in Views.

Grouping your data is powerful as it allows you to quickly compare which company or location has the most outstanding Visis at a glance without having to filter individually.

Grouping is located in the views button on all location pages.

CleanShot 2022-10-24 at 10

Select your grouping option and the results will automatically update. You can also filter grouped results for extra granularity.

CleanShot 2022-10-24 at 10

View nested Visis & Search

By default your location pages won't display Visis that are nested inside other inspections. This is to keep your data clean and make it easy for you to find the master inspection.

However there are times when you may wish to view all data if you're trying to find something specific eg. all the tasks that contain concrete test results.

This is where the Show Nested Visis toggle comes in handy. Simply toggle on nested Visis and your list will display everything allowing you to find what you're looking for.

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