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Roles and Permissions

Understanding Visibuild's user types

Heath Phelan avatar
Written by Heath Phelan
Updated over a week ago

Visibuild supports different user types, each with their own permissions in terms of what they can and can't do within the platform. Visibuild has the concept of:

  • Company Admins

  • Project Admins

  • Members

This article will give you insight into each of these roles and their permissions.

Company Admin

Company admins are responsible for managing Visibuild at a company level. Company admins have the ability to:

Manage members

  • Invite/remove members from company

  • Invite/remove members from projects

  • Make/revoke company admin access

Manage templates

  • Build and edit company templates

Project Admin (Headcontractor)

At a project level, the project admin role grants access to project level management. This is only granted to the project owner and grants them additional access to the other companies on the project.

Manage members & companies

  • Invite/remove new and existing members from project

  • Invite/remove new and existing companies from project

  • Make/revoke project admin

Manage the location tree

  • Build and edit project locations

Manage templates

  • Import templates from company library into project

  • Build and publish project templates

Manage issues

  • Setup defect rounds to categorise defects

  • Set automated due dates on issues

Manage Visi

  • Archive Visis created by your company

Project Admin (Stakeholders)

For other companies (non project owners) operating on the project, admin status can also be granted to users. Stakeholder project admins have the ability to:

Manage members

  • Invite/remove new and existing members from company on project

Manage templates

  • Import templates from company library into project

  • Build and publish project templates

Manage Visi

  • Archive Visis created by your company

Project Member

This is general access to the Visibuild platform that is required to complete QA on the project. Project members can do everything on a project excluding the functionality an admin can do/has access to.

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