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How to allow multiple individuals πŸ‘₯ to review a Visi
How to allow multiple individuals πŸ‘₯ to review a Visi

Needing an extra set of πŸ‘€ on your Visis? Try setting the whole company as the reviewer.

MJ Toh avatar
Written by MJ Toh
Updated over a week ago

Set the Company as Reviewer


Transform how you manage the review and approval process of critical Visis on your job. Now, instead of assigning individual reviewers to a Visi, you can now approve and close your teammate Visis by setting the whole company as the reviewer. 🌐

Key Benefits

  • Effortless Collaboration: Streamline the approval process for large quantities of defects. Any user from the designated company can now approve and close the Visi.

  • Flexibility in Team Dynamics: In situations where the specific reviewer doesn't matter, setting the company as the reviewer provides flexibility. Any qualified team member from the designated company can take action.

  • Seamless Handover: Having the company as the reviewer guarantees a smooth handover and any member from the designated company can close out Visis in review, regardless of absences or changes in team composition.

How to set a Company as Reviewer

✏️ You can either set the company as reviewer by editing existing Visis.

or πŸ“ You can set the company as reviewer when editing your template.

How to I update the reviewer to multiple visis?

πŸ’¬ Someone has left the company and a bunch of visis are assigned to him/her to review, how do I reassign it?

Ste-by-step guide:

Firstly, you'll need to reveal all Visis with the reviewer.

1. At the top of the location tree, click on 'Display' and toggle 'Show child visis'.

2. Use the 'Reviewer' filter and select the specific individual/company currently assigned as the Reviewer.

  • (Optional) Use additional filters such as the 'Visi status' filter to show Visis that open / in-review / in-progress or 'Visi type' filter to show Issue Visis only.

3. Multi-select Visis you would like to update.

4. Locate the bulk actions bar at the bottom and hit 'Update reviewer'.

5. Select the new reviewer and hit "Update XXX Visis".

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